Saturday 16 May 2009


I don't know what the hell I'm feeling. Is it just me who gets that? I feel like I'm never gonna understand. I just wanna hug them. Tell them it'll be okay. Nothing's ever okay, but at a time like this lies are easy to believe, and even easier to tell.

They make everything okay for me. I want them to know that. They won't believe me. Every time I'm with them I use every excuse to hug them. I wanna see them. I really miss them, all day every day. They are my lifeline, and when they fall, I fall. When they rise, I rise. I love them. I don't know in what way, but I do.

(Blogstalker - If you're still here, and if you haven't already guessed, it isn't him. I'm kinda over him, which I'm very proud of.)