I'm excited and apprehensive for tomorrow. Tomorrow me and my best friend will stand up in front of my R.M.E. class and teacher and do a presentation on My Chemical Romance. I'm scared shitless. I'll have to get up early and have like 3 cups of coffee or something xD
Me and the person I'm doing the presentation with were discussing this - we don't fancy MCR. We're fucking in love, duh! I'm serious, it's not healthy. I just have to hear a song, see an interview, watch LOTMS, see a picture etc. and I get fuzzy inside. It's weird - it's just like I wanna go AAAWWHH for ages and I feel all warm and squishy and happy and awwish for hours. Also, I get a huge smile on my face that I can't control just thinking about them, and if I'm sad and listen to a song by them I'm happy, or at least content, afterwards. You know what? I don't feel the same way about anything the way I feel about MCR. It's a specific thing - it's... platonic love. That's what it is. To me they are my friend. They just mean so much to me. They are my inspiration, and each one of them is my hero for a different reason;
Gerard especially. I know that is such a cliché, the lead singer, he's hot, ec. etc... but he inspires me for so many more reasons. He overcame so much, his art is amazing, his comic The Umbrella Academy is so amazingly written and crazy and just full of 'batshit fucking ideas' to quote him, he has an amazing voice, his lyrics are so heartwrenchingly astounding and genius and... I could go on forever.
Frank... once again, a cliché. Gorgeous, funny, the youngest, blah blah... But he inspires me because music means so much to him. He started his first band at age eleven. He's an amazing guitarist, and I love his playing style. It's really free, and you can so tell that he's having so much fun.
Mikey - he's just innately cool. It's just ingrained in him. He's a really talented bass player, and he started bass just to be in a band with Gerard. I find that just adorable :3 His bass lines are awesome, and he gives the band that extra dimension that just adds to the total awesomeness :D
Ray is a fucking musical genius. He is so passionate about it, in every way. I just - words can't describe his talent.
Bob... 'The Muscle' xD He also is innately cool. He's an amazing drummer, but he's extremely modest. Even though he shouldn't be. He deserves the praise, but he doesn't seem to think so, which is tragic. However, he just seems so cool, and very private somehow, and I admire him for not being extremely open about his private life or whatever. He's really good at front-of-house sound production too.
Anywho. I love them to pieces. And I hope to fucking GOD that one day, sometime in my life, I will have the opportunity to tell them that. I really really hope that. Just to be able to say thank you for everything that they have done for me and for my friend. One day, they'll know how much they've done.
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