Saturday, 21 March 2009

Random Disjointed Thoughts...

I have sore ears, because I listened to too much music already today. Three Cheers, The Black Parade, Flyleaf and half of XO.

I feel really sick. It's kind of like my body wants to throw up anything I put down. Just so you know - You know who you are - I am NOT bulimic. I haven't thrown up, let alone on purpose. It's just a nagging feeling of nausea, and it's putting me off eating. I'm gonna go to the doctors cos that's not good. Also, I'll FINALLY be able to check if my ears are okay for piercing again. I got them done in P6, but the right one went bad. It was all squint, like \ instead of straight. I got them done at Claire's Accessories last time, and I think that's a hint. I'll get them done at Jenners or something hopefully.

Ugh, I'm getting braces in three months. Hopefully that means they'll be off sooner, but the doctor says I might be one of the people who needs them for longer. You see, I kind of have vampire fangs. Really pointy canines that slightly stick out, but they're actually forward in the gums. Gross. The only comforting thing is that some of my friends have got them, and will still have them when I get them.

Ugh, I'm really tired. I stayed up till midnight listening to Green Day, and singing along to MCR once the Kerplunk album finished. So I was stupid, but I couldn't get to sleep. Both the nurse and my mum think I m stressed. So do I. Massive homework load, parents fighting, constant slagging off everywhere I go...yeah, that's almost guaranteed to make you stressed. I think it's affecting my bug/illness aswell.

Maybe I'll phone someone. I was suppose to be going to a friends house today, but I feel so ill it wasn't really feasible. The one gap I get from grounding, and I'm too sick to go. Really, what is wrong with my life?

Anyway, wanna go back on TBP now...

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